Flourishing through Inquiry
Social Media
Searching hashtags within Twitter is the first place to start, including: #tl #teacherlibrarian #inquiry #collaborate #21st #mediaspecialist #schoollibrarian. I only looked at the “TOP” results, rather than People, Latest, Photos, etc.
Other hashtags that came up included: #librarylife #librarian #TASLChat which were a Tennesee organisation about collaborative partnerships for TLs and teachers. Food for thought: “Why do school librarian/ teacher collaborations really matter? What would we do all day if we didn’t collaborate?”
People and organisations I follow: Kay Oddone, MindShift, Dan Haesler, ABC Education, Connected Learning, Mandy Lupton, Brisbane Catholic Education, ResourceLink, Visible Learning, Edutopia, Sphero Education, Maker Ed, British Columbia TLs, Penguin Teachers, ASLA National and many more!
Within my Twitter account, I searched for “inquiry learning” “teacher librarians.” This yielded a few interesting articles and infographics about teacher librarians and inquiry learning. I also did a search for “collaborate teacher librarian” and this uncovered an infographic about the important workforce skills TLs can assist with.
* Collaborating with your school librarian
Images: Twitter search results
Next search:
“inquiry” “librarian” “collaborate”
“Inspiring curiosity” book aimed at secondary teachers on inquiry learning #tlchat #futurereadylibs
#personalised learning
* Librarians share best practices for teaching inquiry-based learning
After searching on Twitter, I am reminded about how valuable of a resource Twitter is. I find searching for information easy, and there are often hidden gems. I always enjoy reading articles and infographics related to education and technology. Will I set up a Twitter account for my library in the future?
Images: Twitter searches

A simple “teacher librarian” search in the search bar yielded a few results of groups, pages, public posts. I had to resist the temptation of looking at the teacher librarian memes.
Related searches included: teacher librarians in training, Teacher librarians of sa, Teacher librarian magazine, Elementary librarian
I searched #teacherlibrarians which resulted in articles from SCIS, Scholastic librarians, and funny teacher memes.
“collaborate teacher librarian” resulted in photos about teacher-librarians, and quotes about teachers, and included ‘related searches’
Images: initial Facebook searches
“collaborate teacher librarian inquiry” had a few articles of interest, including the “Four Inquiry Qualities at the heart of student-centred teaching.”
Images: Facebook search results

After doing a general search, I looked at the learning communities that I follow to draw inspiration from there.
Time to check out Pinterest.
I did a simple search for teacher librarian and inquiry learning. This resulted in a number of boards and people to follow, including those in the image below:
Image: suggested boards to follow.
I found a series if infographics about the importance of the teacher librarian.
As I scrolled to the bottom, “more searches like this” resulted in information about teacher librarians and libraries in general. The “Anatomy of a librarian” and “Many reasons you need your librarian” and “Knowledge building through multiple literacy learning” were of interest.
I searched for boards on “inquiry learning” and “collaborate.” This resulted me thinking about the nature of tasks teachers and TLs set for students: Is it a project or is it project based learning?
The last search I conducted included variations of the name “teacher librarian.” Interestingly, “media specialist” did not yield any boards, but the pins included a few interesting results:
Impact of school libraries on learning
Libraries as Learning Centers: Changing the Culture of Your Library
After reading the search results, how do teacher librarians work with teachers and principals to foster a collaborative inquiry culture? Curating the collection of resources I have found, is the next stage.