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Search One


I need to consider US terms and spellings when searching this database, including the terms for teacher librarian term as well as the year levels. Americans use the term elementary for primary school, and teacher librarians are often referred to as media specialists or information specialists, to name a few.


I searched the key words first, and it yielded 20 results. I included dates 2000 – 2019. I wonder, does the role of the teacher librarian differ around the world, in relation to inquiry learning and collaboration? I think that would be an interesting comparison to make.


* Teacher-librarians and teachers: Partners in the collaborative curriculum development process.


New terms & ideas: not taught in isolation, Paradigm shift in educational thinking, high order thinking skills.



* Principals and teacher-librarians: Building collaborative partnerships the learning community.


I thought this quote was interesting: In other words, it is the principal who largely determines teacher-librarians’ visibility and importance as perceived in the total school culture” (Kolencilk 2001). Perhaps I should be researching the importance the principals place on teacher-librarians as inquiry learning partners? How do principals play a part in the inquiry model in teacher-librarians?



















Search Two


Then I realised I had left off “inquiry” from my previous Proquest searches, so I conducted another search to see what I could uncover. Interestingly, many of the articles I had previously found in the searches, discussed inquiry as part of the role of the teacher librarian. I left the year date to include more years as to broaden the search.


When I looked at the results of this search, many were the same articles as before. Two that stood out involved the importance of preservice teacher programs to help promote the importance of the teacher-librarian. It made me wonder, do preservice teaching experiences allow students to engage in the role of the teacher-librarian with inquiry?


New terms & ideas: enquiry based learning, instructional partner


This article again supported the ideas of the importance of the school principal in the inquiry role of the teacher-librarian and collaboration between the teacher-librarian and teachers…


I also did another search outside of these years and changed the spellings.















Search Three


"primary" AND "teacher librarian" AND "collaborate" AND "role" AND “questions”


To read later: 


Pappas 1999


Kuhlthau 2012 "When teacher-librarians, as instructional partners, collaborate, co-teach, and plan robust inquiry units, this changes the culture of the school into a collaborative inquiry community" (Kuhlthau et al., 2012, p. xiii).


This has me thinking, how can I create change to have a collaborative inquiry community at my workplace?




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Search Four


I searched again modifying the date to include 1090 - 2019 peer reviewed articles. "Enquiry" was also part of the search results.


* Authentic learning is not just for students: it’s for librarians, too!

New terms & ideas: Teacher librarians as change agents, knowledge building centre.


Search Five


I tried the next search without the primary filters, though keeping it to peer reviewed and modifying the search. Also, having peer reviewed articles only, as I need at least one that is scholarly.



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This article posed a few good questions about the coteaching and collaboration of teacher librarians and classroom teachers.


What happens to learning when the classroom teacher and the teacher librarian coteach? (Loertscher, 2014).


New terms & ideas: deep thinking, high-level cooperation.


Further research into what constitutes collaboration, and how it can be effectively carried out, was explored in Montiel-Overall, (2010). 

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Search Six


I browsed the search options to gain a further understanding of the Thesaurus, wildcard and truncation to see if this yielded different results.  


Truncation and Wildcard of library, libraries, librarian, etc by putting in “libr*” the advanced search, as well as collaborate, collaboration, etc. Librar* Collabor* teacher librar[*5] to encapsulate the different ways teacher librarian could be written.


I looked at the various terms in the thesaurus for librarians and inquiry learning. Other key readings included:


* Harada, V.H. & Yoshina. J. (2004) Inquiry learning through librarian· teacher Partnerships, Linwonh Publishing. Worthington. OH.


* David Loertscher (2008), professor at San Jose State University and coauthor of The New Learning Commons: Where Learners Win


* Koechlin, Zwaan & Loertscher, 2008


* Todd, Ross & Hay, Lyn (2010) ‘School Libraries 21C: The Conversation Begins’ in SCAN, 29(1), pp. 30-42. 



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After searching and reading, it's time to move to the Social Media platforms. I wonder how succinct the information on these sites will be?!

All images are author's own.


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