Flourishing through Inquiry
Google Scholar
Search One
I began searching Google Scholar with the exact inquiry question: What is the role of the teacher-librarian in the inquiry process? 5770 results
This search resulted in a collection of resources specifically about the role of the teacher librarian:
* Rethinking libraries for the information age school: Vital roles in inquiry learning
* Poised for Change: Effects of a Teacher Education Project on Preservice Teachers' Knowledge of the School Library Program and the Role of the Teacher-Librarian.
One of the first searches resulted in a journal article about primary school students and information literacy and information skills, which can be attributed to the teacher librarian’s expertise. I was extremely excited to find this article as it linked the role of the teacher librarian in guiding students through the inquiry learning process:
* Using collaborative teaching and inquiry-based learning to help primary school students develop information literacy and information skills.

Search Two
I refined the search by taking out some of the words: “role” AND “teacher-librarian” AND “inquiry process.”
This search also proved fruitful as it uncovered articles that were specifically about how the teacher librarian can assist teachers in helping students with the inquiry learning process.
New terms & ideas: systematic approach, transfer knowledge, Alberta inquiry model.
The next article I found was about the importance of the teacher librarian to collaborate and communicate with the principal as well as the whole staff.
* School libraries building capacity for student learning in 21c.
There were lots of links to other articles within this search, including another exciting find!
New terms & ideas: Interrogate, meaningful, instructional intervention, Google generation, co construction of learning, narrative analysis, scaffolding, deeper investigation, essential questions.
* Librarian-teacher partnerships for inquiry learning
* Librarian as teacher: Exploring elementary teachers' perceptions of the role of the school librarian and the implementation of flexible scheduling and collaborative planning
New terms & ideas: Flexible scheduling, collaborative planning
From looking at the new search which includes the role of the teacher-librarian, I wonder what the implications of the timetable have on teacher librarians being an important part of the inquiry learning process for students?
New terms & ideas: School media center, library resource center, Bloom’s taxonomy, information power, information services manager, information specialist, curriculum leader, instructor who reinforces the inquiry process.
* Building the disposition of reflection through the inquiry-focused school library program.
* School libraries, librarians and inquiry learning
As I progressed through the Google Scholar pages, less and less links related to all search terms.
Search Three
I decided to include other search terms for teacher librarian so that I broadened the results: “role” AND “teacher-librarian” OR "media specialist" AND “inquiry process” 766 results
I found Reading & the library program an interesting read, though I still wanted to broaden my search terms.
Search Four
“role” AND “teacher-librarian” OR "media specialist" AND “inquiry process” OR "project based learning"
This search yielded many blogs and student websites about the inquiry process. In order to access more scholarly articles, I will leave the Google Scholar search to peruse A+ Education. I’m beginning to be more interested in what teacher librarians can activity do to have more collaborative partnership with teachers, in order for students to gain a greater understanding of the inquiry process.
Time to search A+ Education!