Flourishing through Inquiry
A+ Education
As a novice using A+ Education, I immediately investigate the Advanced Search options by looking at the Thesaurus to include the many terms surrounding my evolving question: What role does the teacher librarian play in a primary school inquiry learning process?
Search One
I used the advance settings to search for “teacher librarian” “inquiry learning” “primary” “role.” I also included a refined year range to be more recent, 2000 – 2019. This resulted in 34 articles.
Those of interest included:
* Three in one: Teacher, information specialist, leader
This article talked about the importance of action research to get inquiry learning and collaboration with classroom teachers and librarians occurring. This article talked about many key figures related to inquiry with a collaborative approach. Perhaps I need to search for them? The article has me thinking, what role do school principals play in the way inquiry learning is embedded in schools?
New terms: disciplinary inquiry, inquiry experience, shared learning, collaborative programming and teaching, thinking curriculum.
Some of the results in the searches were just about “teacher librarians and inquiry” and “teachers and inquiry,” not both. Perhaps my next search needs to be “collaboration” “teacher librarian” “Inquiry learning.” Interestingly, the term “primary” resulted in the meaning initial or first rather than primary students. I will need to include “primary students” in the next search.
One of the last articles made me think as teacher librarians more of teaching partners than the relationship being a collaborative working relationship… What roles do we assume as teaching partners in inquiry learning?
* How teacher-librarians can build evidence of student learning.

Search Two
“collaboration” AND “teacher librarian” AND “Inquiry learning” AND “primary students”
This search only yielded three results. Two of the articles I had seen before, though there was one new one about collaboration and authentic learning, which was an excellent read.
* Raising active voices in school libraries
New terms & ideas: synergy, learning partners

Search Three
For my next search, I used the thesaurus for synonyms for “collaboration” and include related search terms.

I also checked the thesaurus for: librarian, collaboration, inquiry
“Primary students” term variations was huge, as was “primary”
Search Four
Within “MEDIA,” “teacher librarian” AND “inquiry” yielded no results.
Search Five
I went back to do a simple search on the terms and ideas I feel this inquiry is drawing me to.
"primary" AND "teacher librarian" AND "collaborate" AND "role"
This yielded four results. Three of the four were of interest:
1. School library to learning commons : planning the journey. Elliott, 2010.
2. Collaboration: a key ingredient to enhance teacher effectiveness. Chessman, 2009.
3. School libraries: making a difference. Neary, 2008.
New terms & ideas: curriculum learning networks, learning commons, intellectual spaces, gifted and talented, information literacy programs.
After considering the search terms, it’s time to move on to Proquest.